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PM2.5 A Roadmap to meeting the new health guidelines by 2030

October 31, 2019

Image for PM2.5 A Roadmap to meeting the new health guidelines by 2030

The Mayor of London recently commissioned the ERG in London in 2030 to model PM2.5 concentrations.

The Environmental Research Group (ERG) study discusses the goals and implications of this, including some of the main findings:

  • Although PM2.5 was better than originally planned, the modeling for 2016 showed none in London met the limits of the World Health Organization guidelines to protect human health.
  • Without additional powers and initiatives, new modeling confirms that London will not meet the enforcement goal by 2030.
  • When Parliament debates a new Environment Bill, the additional powers found in this report must be included in the legislation.
  • London is capable of achieving these goals with the additional powers and measures, meeting the pledge of the Mayor of London in the London Climate Plan, part of the Breathe Life initiative.
  • In London, the UK government should follow and accept the PM2.5 guideline limits as a legally binding deadline by 2030.

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